Today I have encountered the huge problem of wanting a house with a big back yard for entertaining. I clearly want this every day, but today I am especially frustrated by it. Gimpy and I want to save money so that we can afford the things we want for the future (aka the little cozy house with a big sunny backyard), so for his birthday this year in April we (HE) decided he just wanted a casual house party.
To me, a casual house party welcoming Spring and Gimpy to another year of being awesome means that I need some decorations and a luau party! That means, I need some of these for sure -
You fill them with ice and store your beverages! I have one for Halloween that's a pumpkin, so you get multiple parties our of them for sure. It also means I need some of these -
As clearly not everyone drinks beer. And finally (not really, but all I am going to give away for now), you need some of these for doing your hair.

The problem I am running into, is where to have this luau. I have two friends with club houses that we can rent out, but at $100+ each, it defeats the purpose of saving money. So now I am faced with really, really wanting one of these.
Or really.... both. Sadly, it's not in the cards now, so I may have to settle for a park or on the beach, both great options, but a little chilly for mid-April! Start praying now for an unseasonably warm April 16th, as I don't want B to freeze in her coconut bra...
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